Friday, August 28, 2009

Very Nice Day in Rockport, MA

As everyone (especially Denise) knows, we have been having some pretty hot weather up here for the past month. So it's been nice to cool off for the past couple days. We knew we had some lousy weather coming in for this weekend, but today was really nice and sunny, so we took the opportunity to head to the oceanside town of Rockport which is a very charming little town about an hour north of Boston.

Rockport is your typical town replete with gift shops, ice cream places and crappy restaurants, however it has some real high points which we routinely take advantage of:

1. Tucks Candy, which makes the best salt water taffy (in my opinion). At Tucks, not only can you watch the salt water taffy being pulled, but you can choose your own flavors when you make up a box. Today I loaded up on my usual half-box of peanut butter flavored taffy and then at the end found out they have a new flavor "chocolate peanut butter" ... needless to say, I had to start over. Fun fact: Jodi never eats salt water taffy.

2. Rockport might be the penny candy capital of the world because besides the taffy you can get regular penny candy at like 2-3 other stores, which of course I did.

3. Continuing on the family theme; like many NE seaside towns, they sell fudge. And like many NE seaside people, Jodi buys fudge.

4. The rest of the shops are the usual tourist traps however there are a couple nice toy stores and one really nice pewter store which has some kick ass pewter stuff, if you're into that sort of thing (which I am).

5. Rockport is an artist's colony so the place is filled with galleries, many of which offer terrific original art, if you're into that sort of thing (which I am, but can't afford).

Other highlights .... we stopped off at a clam shack in Gloucester and had a really amazing lunch of the usual fried clams and shrimp. Matthew ate his first Fish n' Chips and reported, "mmmmmm". And on the 1 hour car ride home, Jodi slept like a baby and Matthew (who is a baby) stayed up and BS'ed with me the entire time.

Enjoy the pics - BTW, we didn't take pictures with Johnny Depp - that's just me and my awesome new mustache/beard combo.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. Great photos of you guys!! Sounds like a fun day...and lovin' the mustache/beard on ya Chris! :)

  2. I thought that was a skinny version of Ron Jeremy. LMAO.
